輪胎規格 如果寫 205 60 15H (分別代表widtth, profile, wheel size, speed rating)
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Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
由U.S Department of Transportation (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)制定的標準
1.Treadwer grades: Treadwear grades are an indication of a tire's relative wear rate. 數字愈高代表輪胎磨平所花的時間愈久,但耐久的代價是會犧牲抓地力

2. Traction Grades: based on the tire's straight line wet coefficient of traction as the tire skids across the specified test surfaces

Traction Grades Asphalt g force Concrete g force
AA Above 0.54 0.41
A Above 0.47 0.35
B Above 0.38 0.26
C Less Than 0.38 0.26

3.Temperature (Resistance) Grades: indicates the extent to which heat is generated/ or dissipated
Temperature Grades Speeds in mph
A Over 115
B Between 100 to 115
C Between 85 to 100

4.Speed Rating: speed ratings were established to match the speed capability of tires with the top speed capability of the vehicles to which they are applied (歐系制定的標準)
M 81 mph 130 km/h
N 87 mph 140km/h Temporary Spare Tires
P 93 mph 150 km/h
Q 99 mph 160 km/h Studless & Studdable Winter Tires
R 106 mph 170 km/h H.D. Light Truck Tires
S 112 mph 180 km/h Family Sedans & Vans
T 118 mph 190 km/h Family Sedans & Vans
U 124 mph 200 km/h
H 130 mph 210 km/h Sport Sedans & Coupes
V 149 mph 240 km/h Sport Sedans, Coupes & Sports Cars
W 168 mph 270 km/h Exotic Sports Cars
Y 186 mph 300 km/h Exotic Sports Cars



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