目前分類:心情散記 (26)

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May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and to have the wisdom to know the difference.

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The value of mean people
is to help you to acknowledge every single nice person around you.

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各種身體不舒服的英文單字, 大部分其實很常見, 可是實在是常常"字到用時方恨少啊"
之前鼻塞的時候不知道要用哪個單子, 跟別人解釋起來別人還以為是氣喘(asthma), (因為我用have difficulty to breath....)

頭暈 dizzy
暈車 motion sickness
頭痛 headache
宿醉 hangover
氣喘 asthma
打噴嚏 sneeze
鼻塞 stuffy nose; nasal congestion; sinus
流鼻水 running nose
流鼻血 nosebleed
咳嗽 cough
喉嚨痛 sore throat
痰,鼻嚏等黏液 mucus
長青春痘 have acne(常用複數ances);pimple
打嗝 hiccup
唇疱疹 cold sore;Herpes
耳鳴 tinnitus;drumming in the ears; ear noise
長針眼 have a stye/sty
口臭 bad breath
呼吸急促 breathing rapidly
頭皮屑 dandruff
牙痛 toothache

拉肚子 diarrhea
便秘 constipation
腹漲 abdominal distention
腹痛 abdominal pain
吐 vomit; throw up; puke
乾嘔 dry heaves
噁心 nausea
胃痛 stomachache
經前症候群 premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
生理痛 menstrual pains;period pains;dysmenorrhoea
頻尿 urinating frequently
五十肩 frozen shoulder

水泡 bulla, blister
感冒 catch a cold
流感 flu; influenza
發燒 fever
中暑 heat stroke
脫水 dehydration
極度疲倦 fatigue
淤血 bruise
貧血 anemia
水腫 edema; water retention
過敏 allergy
肌肉酸痛 sore muscle
發冷 chills
昏昏欲睡 drowsy
麻痺,失去知覺 numb
食欲不振 poor appetite
落枕 neck pain, neck strain, acute fibrositis
脫臼 dislocation

失眠 insomnia
壓力 stree out
焦慮 anxiety
心情低落 blue; down; depressed
憂鬱 depression
崩潰 break down

懼高症 acrophobia
尋麻疹 hives
腸胃炎 gastroenteritis
胃鏡 Gastro Fiberscopy
水痘 chickenpox(Vari-cella)
散光 astigmatism
黃疸 jaundice

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前幾天新家門口出現了一個神秘包裏, 收件人居然是男主人的名字

一開始男主人還在懷疑自己是不是誤按了訂購的按鍵, 買到了什麼不知名的東西
結果原來是慶祝我們搬新家, 遠在德州的Clifford 和Laurie送我們的神秘禮物!


iRobot是吸塵器機器人, 這幾天我們把他放在家裡幫我們吸地, 非常的乖巧聰明, 所以我們(?)決定叫它小乖, 這是工作中的小乖

還有附兩個lighthouse, 可以放在門口, 小乖就會清完特定的區域後才會離開到下一區


以後我們家就靠你了, 小乖!

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  • Aug 09 Sun 2009 01:43
  • 新家

前一陣子忙著搬新家, 現在總算有點空可以整理一下照片
這是前門, 草坪整理得不錯吧, 我說漂亮的草坪是男主人的驕傲~
front door

說到男主人, 就來一張男主人努力修剪樹木的照片 (男主人心裡的os: 找時間把樹都砍了吧)

有車庫, 不知道為什麼雖然和房子連著卻沒有直接通到房子的門

這裡是living room, 有IKEA特選躺椅, 坐在上面看書很享受喔, 我們還特地配了各自的閱讀燈, 和中間的coffee table, 也是來自IKEA。左右的燈則是來自yard sale, 讓客廳明亮許多
living room.JPG

Family room 後方是原來就在牆上的書架, 超實用!
上方的投影機是男主人費了一般功夫加上去的, 以後大家可以一起看電影

Dinning room
燈是原來就在房子裡的, 桌椅和櫥櫃是我們以前的家具
現在常被我們當成書桌 (一邊吃飯一邊用電腦 ~)

Kitchen, 冰箱, 爐子,微波爐和洗碗機是原來就在房子裡的
很寬敞的空間, 女主人說在這樣的廚房煮飯是一種享受

書房, 裡面還有還沒整理完的箱子
我們(?)為了兩張書桌怎麼排花了不少心思 :P

空房間1, 以後有人會跟我們一起合住 (地上有小乖走過的痕跡, 誰是小乖我們下次會聊到)

空房間2, 以後也會有人跟我們一起合住 (地上也有小乖走過的痕跡)

主臥室, 很大, 不過目前都還是保持空空的狀態

以上, 第一次住在house, 住起來很舒服~
也希望可以在附近找到工作, 能有機會住久一點!

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I heard a very interesting comment for doing research in the US. This guy said: Doing research in the US has a great benefit that you have a lot of resources. However, sometimes this situation may result in people doing a lot of work without thinking.

It is good that you keep on trying. But before you do lots of experiments, think about why you are doing this.

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If you are always looking for something easy, you have chosen the wrong way.

You solve complicated problems. You become an expert.

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Being optimistic does not mean you are always looking for good things to happen. This means, look at the different sides of the things. If you happen to fail, it is sad. But do you know the reason you fail? Do you learn anything from this experience? Do you see any hint or direction from the unexpected result?

Don’t just hope good thing to happen to you. Turn things to become positive to you.

peisakana 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

As a graduate who has finished almost four years, it may be an important time to think about what i want to do. The advantage for having a PhD degree is that you will have more "degree of freedom" to go to industry or academic field. However, more choices may also be distractive. My decision changes along the time. I want to know what I want to do and what I am capable to do, which I may not figure out yet ^^”

My basic requirement is: whatever the work is, I can work enthusiastically. Let me forget to eat and forget to sleep, just wish I can know something more. This is what Mandarin says “廢寢忘食”. I usually do that when I am reading comics or novels. For a very little occasion, I do that for my work. It is kind of sad if I just want to finish things. I want to do my job well, Most importantly, I want to do a job that I can devote myself to it with my whole heart.

No matter what that is, I hope I can find my job inspiring. It maybe tiring, but still satisfying for me.

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As a person close to her 30’s, it is a little weird that she still likes to go to BBS. It has been my habit since I was in college. I do feel that I’m old among those BBS users, especially while they are claiming themselves as freshman or even high school students! The thing is, sometimes the discussion just becomes some arguments. It is my belief that discussion is good, but people really don’t need to be mean to show that they are smarter. Most people like to use terrible, poor, the worst, etc. to describe what they don’t like and never give the opposite side another thought.

If you think you are right, try to tell it in a convincing way, but not in an angry way, like everybody else is too stupid to understand your intelligence. Get to the point, and be open-minded.

peisakana 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

你想, 你就得去做
如果時間不夠, 你就得去取捨
被捨棄的, 就去承擔你失去的
你沒有做到某些事, 是因為它們在你的心中被你把順位排到後面了,
你做不到, 沒有人可以幫你, 錯過了就會是你的遺憾
你不想要有某些遺憾, 你就得去做

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Life is a circle.

How to see through.

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  • Feb 25 Mon 2008 01:51
  • 選擇

其實我們都知道, 當初做不同的選擇, 日子一定會不一樣
如果可以, 就努力把現在的情況"活成"比較好吧
老實說我覺得如果"我"是一樣的, 另一個處境, 另一個一起相處的對象
不同的學經歷會有不同的考驗, 不同的人有不同的個性要去適應
但我相信不同的路, 問題考驗只有"很多"和"無敵多"
所以我很努力說服自己去學習隨遇而安, 問題不會因為當初有不同的選擇而"變少太多"
在可以選擇時, 想破頭去決定自己要走哪條路
在做完選擇時, 把自己走的路當成自己唯一的路

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  • Jan 20 Sun 2008 22:25
  • 休息

是一片空白的to do list
讓大腦的思緒 沉澱下來

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  • Jan 07 Mon 2008 15:08
  • 喜餅

我們的喜餅是我們喜宴中我參與比較多的部分 ^^

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我因為平常完全沒有化妝, 只要化妝稍微濃一點
我的家人就會認不出我來 (外加尖叫魔女來了)
我拍婚紗時就有這樣情況, 雖然就可能是要拍照的效果
(很多人覺得不像本人 @@)

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籌備了許久的結婚喜宴, 今天中午在台北喜來登b2祿廳舉行

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德拉瓦的秋天, 一樣很美

位於工作地點附近的小徑, 平常是很受歡迎的慢跑道

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A home. With you. My dream. Come true.

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