from IMDB
Director: Jason Reitman
Writer: Diablo Cody (written by)
Juno (Ellen Page) is a 16-year-old teenager. She got pregnant, but wasn’t ready to have a baby. She has two choices: she can get rid of the “thing” by abortion and lives like nothing happen, or she can let the child be bored and ….
I don’t have any particular opinion in mind to judge her choice. Teenager’s pregnancy is usually a big shock. From the stereotype, you can image the parents shout to the daughter/ force the abortion/ expel her from home. The youth may get angry, hopeless or start to be independent and raise the child alone (eventually become a impregnable mom?). Nothing like this happen in the move. It is a story about a girl, two families facing the “shock”. I especially like the “attitude” in the move. Yes, it is a big shock, but not necessarily to destroy your entire life. When a challenge happen, you can get rid of it, pretending nothing happen, or you can face it. Juno didn’t want to kill a life, although she also knew it is impossible for her to raise a child. Is there another choice? Yes, if you can look for it. She found a “happy family” who wanted a child badly. She decided to face the public (and still be happy for herself!!!) and helped the other family as well. Her parents, although very shock, were supportive. I believe they were definitely not happy about the situation, but they were still very supportive. When things happen, you can blame anything, but it would not help. I also believe Juno learned a lot. Life is not as easy as happy or not happy. Life is complicated. A happy family may not be happy all the time. The bottom line is, do you know what you want. To get what you want, are you willing to sacrifice?
There is nothing that cannot be resolved….. if you can look for ways.
There is nothing that can make happiness gone…..if you can face your life differently.