各種身體不舒服的英文單字, 大部分其實很常見, 可是實在是常常"字到用時方恨少啊"
之前鼻塞的時候不知道要用哪個單子, 跟別人解釋起來別人還以為是氣喘(asthma), (因為我用have difficulty to breath....)

頭暈 dizzy
暈車 motion sickness
頭痛 headache
宿醉 hangover
氣喘 asthma
打噴嚏 sneeze
鼻塞 stuffy nose; nasal congestion; sinus
流鼻水 running nose
流鼻血 nosebleed
咳嗽 cough
喉嚨痛 sore throat
痰,鼻嚏等黏液 mucus
長青春痘 have acne(常用複數ances);pimple
打嗝 hiccup
唇疱疹 cold sore;Herpes
耳鳴 tinnitus;drumming in the ears; ear noise
長針眼 have a stye/sty
口臭 bad breath
呼吸急促 breathing rapidly
頭皮屑 dandruff
牙痛 toothache

拉肚子 diarrhea
便秘 constipation
腹漲 abdominal distention
腹痛 abdominal pain
吐 vomit; throw up; puke
乾嘔 dry heaves
噁心 nausea
胃痛 stomachache
經前症候群 premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
生理痛 menstrual pains;period pains;dysmenorrhoea
頻尿 urinating frequently
五十肩 frozen shoulder

水泡 bulla, blister
感冒 catch a cold
流感 flu; influenza
發燒 fever
中暑 heat stroke
脫水 dehydration
極度疲倦 fatigue
淤血 bruise
貧血 anemia
水腫 edema; water retention
過敏 allergy
肌肉酸痛 sore muscle
發冷 chills
昏昏欲睡 drowsy
麻痺,失去知覺 numb
食欲不振 poor appetite
落枕 neck pain, neck strain, acute fibrositis
脫臼 dislocation

失眠 insomnia
壓力 stree out
焦慮 anxiety
心情低落 blue; down; depressed
憂鬱 depression
崩潰 break down

懼高症 acrophobia
尋麻疹 hives
腸胃炎 gastroenteritis
胃鏡 Gastro Fiberscopy
水痘 chickenpox(Vari-cella)
散光 astigmatism
黃疸 jaundice

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