May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and to have the wisdom to know the difference.
- Nov 19 Fri 2010 06:39
Konw the difference
- Oct 10 Sun 2010 22:45
The value of mean people
The value of mean people
is to help you to acknowledge every single nice person around you.
- Mar 28 Sun 2010 22:20
[Info] 各種身體不舒服的英文單字
各種身體不舒服的英文單字, 大部分其實很常見, 可是實在是常常"字到用時方恨少啊"
之前鼻塞的時候不知道要用哪個單子, 跟別人解釋起來別人還以為是氣喘(asthma), (因為我用have difficulty to breath....)
頭暈 dizzy
暈車 motion sickness
頭痛 headache
宿醉 hangover
氣喘 asthma
打噴嚏 sneeze
鼻塞 stuffy nose; nasal congestion; sinus
流鼻水 running nose
流鼻血 nosebleed
咳嗽 cough
喉嚨痛 sore throat
痰,鼻嚏等黏液 mucus
長青春痘 have acne(常用複數ances);pimple
打嗝 hiccup
唇疱疹 cold sore;Herpes
耳鳴 tinnitus;drumming in the ears; ear noise
長針眼 have a stye/sty
口臭 bad breath
呼吸急促 breathing rapidly
頭皮屑 dandruff
牙痛 toothache
拉肚子 diarrhea
便秘 constipation
腹漲 abdominal distention
腹痛 abdominal pain
吐 vomit; throw up; puke
乾嘔 dry heaves
噁心 nausea
胃痛 stomachache
經前症候群 premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
生理痛 menstrual pains;period pains;dysmenorrhoea
頻尿 urinating frequently
五十肩 frozen shoulder
水泡 bulla, blister
感冒 catch a cold
流感 flu; influenza
發燒 fever
中暑 heat stroke
脫水 dehydration
極度疲倦 fatigue
淤血 bruise
貧血 anemia
水腫 edema; water retention
過敏 allergy
肌肉酸痛 sore muscle
發冷 chills
昏昏欲睡 drowsy
麻痺,失去知覺 numb
食欲不振 poor appetite
落枕 neck pain, neck strain, acute fibrositis
脫臼 dislocation
失眠 insomnia
壓力 stree out
焦慮 anxiety
心情低落 blue; down; depressed
憂鬱 depression
崩潰 break down
懼高症 acrophobia
尋麻疹 hives
腸胃炎 gastroenteritis
胃鏡 Gastro Fiberscopy
水痘 chickenpox(Vari-cella)
散光 astigmatism
黃疸 jaundice
- Nov 30 Mon 2009 00:29
2011 DP申請時間
- Sep 14 Mon 2009 05:14
前幾天新家門口出現了一個神秘包裏, 收件人居然是男主人的名字
一開始男主人還在懷疑自己是不是誤按了訂購的按鍵, 買到了什麼不知名的東西
結果原來是慶祝我們搬新家, 遠在德州的Clifford 和Laurie送我們的神秘禮物!
iRobot是吸塵器機器人, 這幾天我們把他放在家裡幫我們吸地, 非常的乖巧聰明, 所以我們(?)決定叫它小乖, 這是工作中的小乖
還有附兩個lighthouse, 可以放在門口, 小乖就會清完特定的區域後才會離開到下一區
以後我們家就靠你了, 小乖!
- Aug 09 Sun 2009 01:43
前一陣子忙著搬新家, 現在總算有點空可以整理一下照片
這是前門, 草坪整理得不錯吧, 我說漂亮的草坪是男主人的驕傲~
說到男主人, 就來一張男主人努力修剪樹木的照片 (男主人心裡的os: 找時間把樹都砍了吧)
有車庫, 不知道為什麼雖然和房子連著卻沒有直接通到房子的門
這裡是living room, 有IKEA特選躺椅, 坐在上面看書很享受喔, 我們還特地配了各自的閱讀燈, 和中間的coffee table, 也是來自IKEA。左右的燈則是來自yard sale, 讓客廳明亮許多
Family room 後方是原來就在牆上的書架, 超實用!
上方的投影機是男主人費了一般功夫加上去的, 以後大家可以一起看電影
Dinning room
燈是原來就在房子裡的, 桌椅和櫥櫃是我們以前的家具
現在常被我們當成書桌 (一邊吃飯一邊用電腦 ~)
Kitchen, 冰箱, 爐子,微波爐和洗碗機是原來就在房子裡的
很寬敞的空間, 女主人說在這樣的廚房煮飯是一種享受
書房, 裡面還有還沒整理完的箱子
我們(?)為了兩張書桌怎麼排花了不少心思 :P
空房間1, 以後有人會跟我們一起合住 (地上有小乖走過的痕跡, 誰是小乖我們下次會聊到)
空房間2, 以後也會有人跟我們一起合住 (地上也有小乖走過的痕跡)
主臥室, 很大, 不過目前都還是保持空空的狀態
以上, 第一次住在house, 住起來很舒服~
也希望可以在附近找到工作, 能有機會住久一點!
- Feb 12 Thu 2009 11:29
[Info] 汽車保險
ALL State, Farmer, State Farm, Esurance, Safeco, GE autoinsurance, WAWANESA, AAA, Progressive, Geico, Prudential, Liberty
Minimum liability limits are read as follows (in thousands of dollars): bodily injury liability for one person in an accident/bodily injury liability for all people injured in an accident/property damage liability for one accident. (付對方 per person/per accident/property )
NY: 25/50/10. DE: 15/30/5.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP), or Medical Payments (MedPay) in some states, pays for your own medical expenses, any lost wages and whatever other costs may arise when you're injured in an accident. It usually pays about 80 percent of your losses, and it also pays a death benefit. PIP is required in Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon and Utah.(付自己醫療, 不管誰錯)
NY: require. DE: require.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage(UMBI) insures you, your resident relatives, and the passengers in your covered vehicle. It applies to damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering resulting from bodily injuries caused by an at-fault motorist who has insufficient or no liability coverage. (對方錯但保險不夠賠,付自己醫療)
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage required?
NY: Yes. DE: No.
Uninsured Motorist Property Damage coverage insures your covered vehicle or property.
These coverages only apply if it is determined that the other driver is at fault and has insufficient or no liability coverage. It applies to vehicle and property damage caused by an uninsured at-fault motorist. If this coverage applies in a an accident, you will be required to pay $250 deductible, and the company will pay for any additional costs that apply under this coverage. This coverage only applies if you select a limit with the $250 deductible. (對方錯但保險不夠賠,付自己車身(前$250自己付))
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage required?
NY: Yes. DE: No.
Collision covers damage to the policyholder's car resulting from running into anything, be it another car, a fire hydrant, a light post, whatever. (付自己車身撞到任何東西)
Comprehensive coverage takes care of your car in the case of theft, fire, falling objects, missiles, explosion, earthquake, flood, riot and civil commotion, among other things (like what? Alien invasion, we guess). (遭竊,天災)
Here comes the bargain time....
First, tell them You have International Driving License since you were 18, and ask them whether they can count IDL or Foreign DL.
2. If you are a graduate student, some companies (ex, Geico) provide discount (10%) for member of National Graduate Students Association. Tell them about your membership, such as IEEE
3. Ask for GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNT (tell them your GPA is higher than 3.5)
4. Ask for Credit Affliance discount, like Liberty provides 10% off for Capital One Card Holder
5. Some companies even give you discount if you pay in Full Amount.
Geico $457.7 (effective Feb 27, 2009)
Liability 50/100/25
PIP: 15/30
UMBI: bodily 50/100, property 10, $250 deductible
Comprehensive: none
Collision: none
Progressive $355 (effective Feb 26, 2009)
Liability 50/100/25
PIP: 25/50, $250 deductible
UMBI: bodily 50/100, property 25, $250 deductible
Comprehensive: none
Collision: none
- Jan 04 Sun 2009 01:49
[Quote] Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.
-Dumbledore (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets )
- Jan 04 Sun 2009 01:46
[Quote] The Return of the King
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?
- Gimli (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
- Jan 04 Sun 2009 01:39
[Quote] The Bridges of Madison County
When a woman makes the choice to marry, to have children; in one way her life begins but in another way it stops. You build a life of details. You become a mother, a wife and you stop and stay steady so that your children can move. And when they leave they take your life of details with them. And then you're expected move again only you don't remember what moves you because no-one has asked in so long. Not even yourself.
-Francesca (The Bridges of Madison County)
- Jan 04 Sun 2009 01:33
[Quote] The Princess Diaries
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear.
The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.
- Eduard Christoff Philippe GÈrard Renaldi, Prince of Genovia (The Princess Diaries)
- Dec 30 Tue 2008 11:53

1. 蔥, 薑, 大蒜, 辣豆瓣醬, 沙茶醬 加油炒一下
2. 將川燙後的牛肉加入炒一下
3. 加醬油和米酒(3:1)
4. 加洋蔥
5. 加紅蘿蔔
加水煮兩個小時, 浸泡一個小時
我們試過不同部位的牛肉(chuck, top blade), 主要是要有點油花和筋的, 煮久才不會太硬
最後勝出的是牛腱肉 (不過, 這對我們來說就得去比較特別的地方買,像中國超市,下次我們要去人家介紹的傳統超市(Farmer's market)找找)
真的很好吃, 吃過以後,對外面賣的牛肉麵會變的比較挑剔 ^_^
- Dec 30 Tue 2008 11:27
1. 雞肉切丁, 醃30min (米酒,醬油,太白粉各1大匙)
2. 煎雞肉, 撈出
3. 爆香乾辣椒,蒜,放入雞丁,加入調味料(醬油2大匙,米酒1大匙,糖1大匙,醋1小匙,太白粉水1小匙), 拌炒收湯汁
4. 起鍋前加花生米
花生米要用可以直接吃,很脆那種, 就算是有鹽的也可以
不過花生米加在熱氣中放久後就會軟掉,所以這道菜冰過後再用微波爐加熱的話花生就沒有那麼好吃 (我最喜歡的部分其實是花生)
有些乾辣椒有辣辣的香氣, 吃起來卻不會嗆
- Oct 27 Mon 2008 11:49
Hongfang Liu
Our institute was searching for a faculty to be the chair in bioinformatics field. There were several candidates giving interesting talks. From what I heard, Dr. Hongfang Liu was the one who got the offer, although she finally decided not to come. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Biomathematics (DBBB) of Georgetown University. Her expertise in clinical informatics includes clinical information system, controlled medical vocabulary, and medical language processing. Her expertise in bioinformatics includes microarray data analsys, biomedical entity nomenclature, molecular biology database curation, ontology, and biological text mining. Her research of interests sounds really close to what I would like to do in the future. Hopefully I can build up more knowledge in this filed and do related related research in the future!
info from
- Oct 27 Mon 2008 10:02
[食譜] 滷牛腱肉

1. 牛腱用水川燙後沖冷水
2. 用油爆香薑片,蒜
3. 加入米油, 蔥, 胡椒, 糖, 水, 滷包, 和牛腱 (滷汁要蓋過牛揵), 放入電鍋 (煮兩次, 每次一杯水)
4. 煮完後待涼, 撈出, 在凍箱略為冰凍後取出切片 (冰過的肉口感比較Q)
5. 滷汁加麻油, 淋在肉片上, 加上葱花
有圖為證 :p